“Establishing and Empowering Community-Based Protection Networks in IDP Camps in Kerenik and Mornie”

AVDO has established 4 CBPNs, 2 in mornie IDPs camp in mornie town, and 2 CBPNs in Abuja IDPs camp in kerenik town. Each CBPN consist of 15 people from community leaders of women, youths that has been selected in coordination with IDPs leader, HAC of Mornie administrative unit, each CBPN The 4 CBPNs have been trained by 2 facilitators from state ministry of social welfare. The 4 CBPNs have been trained on case identification and case management, case referral and reporting.
The CBPNs have actively participated in this project activities through participating in all project activities, in beneficiary selection, identification of people with specific needs in Women Safe Spaces (WSS), Income Generation Activities, Child Safe Spaces (CSS). As well as participation in organization of awareness activities with AVDO staff.

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Child Safe Spaces

Figure 11 Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, …

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