Figure 31: COVID 19 Awareness raising and distribution of 2,000 masks during Eid Alfitr celebration in Khartoum in 2021 with funding from AVDO resources.
أكمل القراءة »Community Health Awareness Campaigns
7. Community Health Awareness Campaigns in Al Fasher locality in partnership with DOFDAHR and funding from Plan Sudan Figure 26: Community Health Awareness Campaigns in Al Fasher locality in partnership with DOFDAHR and funding from Plan Sudan
أكمل القراءة »Figure 21: Provision of NFIs for conflict affected
Figure 21: Provision of NFIs for conflict affected community in Mestery in West Darfur state with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Figure 16: Training women
Figure 16: Training of 40 women on Income generation Activities (IGAs) as part of GBV activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »women on Income generation Activities
Figure 14: Training of 40 women on Income generation Activities (IGAs) as part of GBV activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie
Figure 10: Mobile Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »West Darfur state
Figure 7: Training of Community Based Protection Networks (CBPNs) in Kerenik and Mornie towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
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