Procure and distribute dignity kits sets for 400 vulnerable femalesAVDO has procured and distributed 400 dignity kits for 400 women and girls in Mornie and Kerenik targeting vulnerable host and IDPs women and girls. The beneficiaries are selected by AVDO staff in coordination with IDP leaders host community leaders with …
أكمل القراءة »“Empowering Women Through Training in Income-Generating Activities in Conflict-Affected Areas”
Train 40 women (four groups) on Income Generating Activities:The women trained on food processing, perfume making, tea selling and restaurant running. The women selected the project that must suit them after 2 days of theoretical training on small scale project management then three days technical training on the selected project …
أكمل القراءة »“Establishing Mobile Child Safe Spaces to Provide Psychosocial Support for Conflict-Affected Children”
This activity provided psychosocial support for children affected by conflict by establishing 2 mobile Child Safe Spaces (CSS) with provision of furniture (chairs, plastic maps, water containers), and recreational materials (footballs, volleyballs, drawing materials, toys, and swaying). The CSS are run by AVDO staff with support from the CBPNs and …
أكمل القراءة »“Establishing and Empowering Community-Based Protection Networks in IDP Camps in Kerenik and Mornie”
AVDO has established 4 CBPNs, 2 in mornie IDPs camp in mornie town, and 2 CBPNs in Abuja IDPs camp in kerenik town. Each CBPN consist of 15 people from community leaders of women, youths that has been selected in coordination with IDPs leader, HAC of Mornie administrative unit, each …
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces
Figure 11 Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie
Figure 10: Mobile Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces
Figure 9: Mobile Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
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