2. Emergency lifesaving Protection response to conflict affected population in Kerenik locality in West Darfur
AVDO is implementing the project: Provision of emergency protection assistance to conflict-affected individuals in Kerenik locality in West Darfur state in Sudan for purpose of reducing protection risks for war affected IDPs in Mornie and Kerenik towns, using community based protection approaches, formation and training of Community Based Protection Networks (CBPN), psychosocial support for women and children through establishment and support of Women Safe Spaces (WSS) and Child Safe Spaces (CSS). Supporting women in IGAs, community awareness raising and distribution of dignity kits for 400 women and girls targeting IDPs, host, nomads and returnees in Kerenik locality.
Figure 5Community awareness raising on protection using drama in Mornie and Kerenik localities in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID