Figure 12: Training of 40 women on Income generation Activities (IGAs) as part of GBV activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces
Figure 11 Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie
Figure 10: Mobile Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces
Figure 9: Mobile Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »Child Safe Spaces
Figure 8: Mobile Child Safe Spaces activities in Mornie and Kerenik towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »West Darfur state
Figure 7: Training of Community Based Protection Networks (CBPNs) in Kerenik and Mornie towns in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
Figure 6: Community awareness raising on protection using drama in Mornie and Kerenik localities in West Darfur state, with fund from IOM/USAID
أكمل القراءة »locality in West Darfur
2. Emergency lifesaving Protection response to conflict affected population in Kerenik locality in West Darfur AVDO is implementing the project: Provision of emergency protection assistance to conflict-affected individuals in Kerenik locality in West Darfur state in Sudan for purpose of reducing protection risks for war affected IDPs in Mornie and …
أكمل القراءة »localities in Blue Nile state
Figure 4: Vegetable gardens for farmers in Damazine and Al-Rosayres localities in Blue Nile state
أكمل القراءة »Blue Nile state
Figure 3: Vegetable gardens for farmers in Damazine and Al-Rosayres localities in Blue Nile state
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